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The Journey to yoga class - Iyengar Yoga classes

For the past two and a half years, 1 have regularly attended Iyengar Yoga classes in Bangalore, the Silicon Valley of India. I practice under the guidance of Yogacharya Shri H.S.Arun, a long time student of “Guruji” BKS Iyengar. The class is about seven kilometers away from my home. I travel by car, and am […]
Jan 1, 2003 | Article


Lok Ayukta: Watchdog?

The Karnataka Lok Ayukta, which has the power to try even the chief minister, is yet to make headway. The Lok Ayukta Bill was Karnataka chief minister Ramakrishna Hegde’s first specific indication of fighting corruption. The Bill which received the President’s assent in January 1985, was the only one among other Lok Ayukta bills which […]
Aug 29, 1987 | Article


Power Women - Stand Alone - Doing it All

Urban Indian Women are making choices and making them work. ROHINI NILEKANI – 46 , S0CIAL WORKER – Stand Alone Role call: Wears many hats in the social sector. A trust fund of Rs 100 crore focuses on access to water while the Akshara Foundation works with over one lakh children under the Pratham network. […]
Apr 24, 2006 | Personality


Keeping The Romance Alive

What is the price of fame? Incessant travel, for one. Constant tension over the fickle media, for another. Smiling all the time in public, posing for photos with strangers, suffering autograph hunters, being surrounded, squeezed out of breathing space. Does all this bother A. Hariharan, the south Indian singer who’s made it big in the […]
Jan 1, 2000 | Personality